2024 Image Critique Sessions



Full Rules and Regulations


  • one image per category
  • out of all submitted images, we will pick a number of images for the image critique session. 
  • not all images will be critiqued but we do out best to keep it fair!
  • with submitting your image, you agree for your image to be critiqued and all members are able to see the critique sessions on the website! Do not submit an image, if you do not allow this. 
  • Please see this as a great learning opportunity!
  • every image submitted and chosen for the image critique session is no longer allowed in the IPPVA awards!
  • the image is free to enter!


About the Competition

Have you ever wondered after the awards are announced why your image got the score that it did? 

At the Image Critique Session, our Judges will give advise on your images. 

Often it is just a few small tweaks that take an image from average to award-winning.